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This is me:)

+25/04/90, 23/04/05
+Child of God:)
+Ex-NewTowner, YishunITE, ITE College East(Simei)
+Student Nurse:)
+Nurse Educator in the making(:

Spiritual Family
My Besties!
The GKidz girls
Ju hua cha n green tea
Udon n Ramen
Yong Dou Foo


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Cluster Tribe Blog,Ethnos Emmanuel*
Henderson Sec Sch GB Blog*
Hui Ling*
Ah Lian*
Your T-Shirt Shop*
Ruzaini Hiliman*
Tan Xueli*
Cindy Goh*
Sze Lei*
Tan Hui Ling*
Yu Ling*
Michelle Fang*
Jacqueline Hui*
Guo Xiang*
Eileen Cheong*
Mr Mark Singh*

ENs in-the-making(x


Blogskin ;babylovee-
Image ;Photobucket

Sunday, July 31, 2005
Had been sick recently...didnt go sch on thurs...heard frm my frens n Yun tat e trs were like all so happy i nv cum...den yTd, Mr Tan n Mr Lim welcomed mi back...mad ah? say the class so quiet wifout mii...wad?! so sick...supposed 2 have MC 4 two daes...but den i felt better den struggled myself 2 sch YtD...bcos of chiNese test n i really wanTed 2 see `him`...i am siCk n yEw duN seem 2 reaLLi caRe...i am suRe wif God's power,i will get over yEw soon...so sianx...slping almost all dae...didnt g0 chuRch...den went 2 changi village in e nite wif Uncle Gary n jie n others....eAt den went hm le...had sumthing like mini streaMboaT...still feeling unwell...haix...sld be resting n stuDying at hm tml...Mondae got geogRapHy common test...hAiish...

Stupidity Kills. 2:27 PM

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Jus using e com 4 a shoRt while...decided 2 cum n bLog...had a reaLLi upseT daY...dun waNna talk abt it. i had 2 constantly remind myself tt i had surrendered `him` up 2 e Lord...i sld really learn 2 control my feelings...even if its a small thing,the rest of e class had 2 make it out until it was such a biG issuE...i dun understand...y?y?y? y did i had 2 faLL 4 a fiLrty JeRk?! y?! ARGH! i am realli toopid n duMb...`he` scolded n accused mii tis morning...Donna told mii y care 4 him?
when he doesnt even care a damn abt ur feelings? Jac told mii when he needs mii or my help or wad den he appears...actually,really.My love 4 him had already turned into hatred...he better nt make mi hate him more... i thiNk i wont talk 2 him 4 quiTe a whiLe...the siGht of him makes mii realli aNgry n upset...he totally sux like heLL....ARGH!
fine.i dun wan 2 talk abt it le. having history test tml n i bought e wrong textbk back...sumthing's realli wrong wif mii 2dae...AHHHH!!!!
gtg now...

Self-Control Is All I Need*

Stupidity Kills. 7:47 AM

Monday, July 25, 2005
Didnt blog ytd cos i was too tired...had cell in e aftnoon...talked abt John 3:16...there's a stoRy 2 it...Mum came 2 church wif mii 2dae...great...finally.Came hm aft sVc n did my things n bathE n went 2 bed le...so tired...I made a paiNful yet a gd 4 mii de decision last nite...I got 2 honor tis pRomise 2 God n myself...I am giving up on `him`...I am realli tired n over wif tis...if i dun do sumthing,i will be stuck at tis point 4ever...y not move on? God told mii 2 keep my heart pure 4 Him...i will...i will oBey Him...Concentrating on my studies now is God wants mii 2 do...I jus hope my classmates will stop saying abt mii n `him`...though it maybe miserable 4 mi now,its better 4 mii in e long run...i had decided n will nv change my miNd abt it...stayed hm all dae 2dae...now its already gg 2 be evening...gg wif mum n dad 2 visit Grandma later...wonder how's she? hope she much better...Thank God Serene Ah ma was alright...not serious...quite a few ppl i have 2 keep in prayer...got 2 pray 4 healing n recovery...Grandma,Serene,Val's bRo n Yuanxing...tis YX sprained his ankle...same case as Val's bro...hope they all get well soon....Eunice told mii not 2 get too close to e guys...its not gd 4 mii...yupps.she's right...Jie oso told mii b4...toopid man...jus scolded by dad...say i didnt study...he can say wad he likes...i dun care as long as i get gd grades...sianx...tml got maths common test...got 2 make it...or wad Dom say is true...dun wanna be so xia shui...

Keeping My Heart Pure 4 The Lord^
Stupidity Kills. 8:20 AM

Saturday, July 23, 2005
Sianx...so tiRed...haven blogged 4 daYs le...had st john 2 dae...ended laTe...nth realli happen nwadaes...i am over wif tis...i am s0 tiRed le...i am giVing up le...He's a total jeRk n he suX...
had asseMbLy...was in e hall...waiting 4 Yun n my cRush 2 appear...Yun de didnt appear...mine appeared n we both exCitEd like maD...screamed...diaOx...Full u 2dae...had pic-taking...den had footdRill...e feeling of beiNg an NCO is so wonderfuL! haha...we puMped them...e seC ones...made s0 maNy mistaKes 2dae...den go hm...sat bus wif SK n MabEl...Mondae got maths common test....was chatting wif Dom n Ange...Dom looked down on Band 4 studeNts...say i suRe faiL...toopiE DoM...u suX man! i tRy my beSt...u can win mi in maths but u caNt wiN mi at engLish...fiNe...He's gd in a particular suBjeCt den i am gd in another...He need 2 say until so awful ar? i nv say tt...he so bad! sux man...tml gg 4 cell n sVc...fiNally! missed e woRships...
Miss ange n sam n e others too! =] see u all tml! cheeRs-
Jie jus mentioned abt my blog...saying its realli hard 2 read...sorri ppl---i will make it easily readable...=]

-mY SiLeNt CoNfEsSi0n-

Stupidity Kills. 1:54 PM

Sunday, July 17, 2005
Went 2 visit Grandma in e aftnooN...she didnt seeM 2 recogise mii...maYbe she's juS bLur...i see her liKe tis see uNtiL sAd...she didNt wan 2 driNk her miLk...den nt eNouGh nutitrioN...haiisH...
den had luNch wif Jie...den weNt hm...den weNt out...had diNNer wif mum n dad at Great World...
den went hm...den went 2 NTUC 2 buy things wif mum...den shun biaN 2 collect my CD frm Jay...
they were celebrating xiaO sEreNe de bdae...ate her caKe lo...was running in when i nearly baNged into Sunny...diaOx...boTh keNa scaRed...b4 tat,was waiting 4 luNch...when W appeaRed...i got hiGh n exCited...den raN 4 e staiRs instEad...sldNt had diD tt...so obVious....pLus a few otheRs was wif him sum moRe...diAox...jus did sUm washing...nw resting n bLogging...*Yawns* so tiRed...
sianz...tmL moRning stiLL got tution...i 4gotten 2 bRing my bOOks hm suM moRe....duNNo laRs...

Stupidity Kills. 1:19 PM

Saturday, July 16, 2005
Took cAb 2 sch wif Alex 2dae...borrowed Jac my korean costume n i wore e indiAn costume...racial harmony dae ma...only mii n jac n kenny in costumes...but he didnt represent our class...jac n mii did...at leaSt we got suM chEErs n sCreaMs...hahaz...=) sianx...usuaL lessoN lo...Den Yuanxing wanted sweets,den so fake...''adeline,u so pretty 2dae...'' i hatE tis k...VERY fake lo...Jac looked pRegraNt in e korean dress...i looKed okaY ba...got a few ppL wear kimonos 2dae...so niCe! Yun was a little aNgry wif mii 2dae...but she okaY le...she nt tt xiao qi de...den dismissal...tooK piCs in our costumes...mii,jac,Vanessa n CheRyL...cheryL looked soo cHio 2dae...haha...den jac n i went 2 changE...den i had lunch wif val,joCe n hUiling...den went 4 st joHn....so sian 2 dae...did stoCk-takinG....den all e tym i was looking at ppl gg out of sch...''tt gp of ppl''....haha...so sHuai! den raiNing...den waited 4 a while 4 e rain 2 sTop....den tooK bus hm wif val,alex n joCe...i am so happi 2dae...i passed chinese commoN teSt wif a B3 n i passEd pHysiCs test e fiRst tym! =] *Smiles*
cUm hm...eat dinner,rested n did sum wasHing...soo tiRed...tml gg 2 visiT graNdma...havent visited her 4 a weeK le...

Stupidity Kills. 1:56 PM

Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Sianx 2dae...Jie dropped mi 2 sch deN go Kelvin de hse heLp oUt le...Alex aDy in foyEr wif Hensa...den i weNt 2 looK 4 theM...We were chattiNg aWay....waitiNg 4 Val...den Yun came...went toilet wif heR...Came baCk n tooK my bAg n lEft...i am suRe we boTh didnt waN 2 see eaCh other...it sUm how feLt awKwaRd....weNt 2 cLass,arraNge taBles n pUt e bOOks beHind...toDae got chiNese commoN tesT ma...Not in a veRy gd mooD 2dae...as i was siCk...dun waNNa tok aBt it...was haVing lAst leSSon,pHysiCs...when i seNsed sUmthinG was wRoNg wiF him...others were listeniNg 2 e tR's stoRy...i wasnt reaLLi listeNing...i looK at him n seNsed it...My 6tH seNse is qUite stRong...deN jac toLd mii aBt it...He had juS indiated a bReak-up wif his Gf...suCh a jeRk...He had huRt her...den he bi daNg cHu? nvM...I jus wan him 2 nOe he stiLL have sUmone wHo LoVes him n God,Who alwaEs loVe him...y diD he haVe 2 giVe up on God? i dun uNderstaNd at aLL...MaYbe sum dae i wiLL....

Stupidity Kills. 10:02 AM

Saturday, July 9, 2005
Went 2 visit grandma 2dae.havent visited her 4 ages...she's better. she's in mount alvenia now...such a nice hospital...a missionary hos. den went out wif jie a while...shopping...feel better as i wasnt feeling realli gd...pLus. i had fallen siCk...so toopiD...at suCh a tYm...totAlly a wroNg tym 2 fall siCk...went PS...shOppeD....den quite laTe le...weNt hm...baThe n did sUm wasHing...blogging n chatting nw...I decided 2 wAit 4 him...no maTTer wad...Bocs i love him a loT....meanwHile, i will concentrate on my sTudies n God....leT him haVe eNougH fuN 1st....i wont n wont tRy 2 be a 3rd paRty...He's happi, i am happY...i dun expEct aNythiNg fRm him...He's a total jeRk...y did i fall s0 deePly 4 a gUy liKe him? i oso duNNo...God tells mii 2 let g0...haix...sld i? maYbe....i believe God n tym will heaL mi of e paiN n miseRy he bought 2 mii....

Stupidity Kills. 3:18 PM

So sian...came hm a few hrs aGo...Had st joHn ma...so tiRed...nv do muCh...CPR whole dae...kiss dummy session e whole dae...so bOring...Saw him n his look-alike plying bball...same bUs as him again tis morning...I got 2 face up 2 e fact,he got a gf le...I dun wish 2 be a 3rd paRty...very nan kan...Ugly....sux man....haiish...HongYao keeps on fan mii in class 4 sweets...den slowly...e others like Yuanxing n Febian oso chao mii...so fan gan lo...nvm...aft all,they all are my frens....nv tok 2 him muCh le...dunnox...tis better lo...Val say i got a little hOpe...they wont lAst long...i hate 2 say tis,i thiNk so too...den Miss Tan came in during chinese...took HongYao de Mp3...yun n mii smart...took off e earfones le...cos i heard miss tan de voice...den wad Hongyao bLame Hongjun...dunno wad lars...den 12 ppl got into trouble...4 throwing paper balls in class...Dan,Hongjun,Yuanxing,Febian,Harry n others....some totally unexpeCted de oso did iT....HeaRd frm Glenn,wad call paRents....Jus hope Miss Tan nt 2 haRsh on them...toopid gwen lose desmond de discman n my worsHip Cd...My BaoBei CD leh!!!! ARGH!!!! nvm....tml gg 2 see grandma i think...she is much better....nt gg 4 sVc tml....Miss ya all....Ange,Sam,Christina,Jay n of cos...EuniCe Mommix! she's in shanghai wif Michelle....cum back sooN....see Ya all! =]

Stupidity Kills. 11:34 AM

Thursday, July 7, 2005
Havent blogged 4 daes le...seldoM use com now cos i speNding more tym on my studiEs 2 improVe my resUlts...totallY a heartbreakinG dae 4 mii 2dae....I realli regRetted asking Dom aBt FangFan...n thinGs wouldnt had cum 2 such a statE...I noe i have no rite 2 control him*...he wans 2 noe more gals...i have no rite 2 stoP him...haix...messaging her in class...den aft scH my sixth sense tells mii sumthing is fishY...but i dunno wad it is...until i went hm...Yun called mii up n told mii abT e awfuL trUth...He is attached...started recenTly...so peng gui...haiish...nvm...i will give up...dun wish 2 be a 3rd parTy...Yun chse 2 tell mii now bcos e sooner she told mi,the pain wouldnt be so jialat...realli heartbroken*....but i WONT let it affect my stuDies....i will get over it soon...kaox...u noe wad Hongyao said? so fan gan...say i like Febian....i will like him mehx? Darren said y nt? toopid gUy....no lo...all emPty vessels wiF gd looks oNly...tat is wad i call them...
wif encouragement frm Val,Jac,Yun n alex,i am suRe i would get over him soon enough...Yun is rite...He's nt my everything...God is...even i lose him,i wont lose God...God will alwaes be wif mii throughout my wHole liFe....

HeartBrokeN...TryiNg 2 get oveR YeW*
Stupidity Kills. 11:00 AM

Saturday, July 2, 2005
sianx 2dae...got up quite early den g0 mit alex den took caB 2 sch...2dae st joHn dae ma...den Val angRy...we nv wait 4 her...she will bE okay de aft a while...as usuAl have lessoNs....nv tok 2 him le...no couRage 2...it seems my frenshiP wif Yuanxing had improved...although he always scolds mii.i nv take it 2 heart...i alwaes tReated him as a bRother...thaNks God...still pRaying 4 him 2 g0 back 2 church...haiish...i changed back e whole thing...den qifang n weida saBo mii 2 mr goh...they sux man...nvm...den kena jiang by him during assembly....nt enough still keep my class n 3/6 back...was chatting wif Dan they all during assembly...it was damn boring...den wad mr goh siad in between 3-5 n 3-6, e wall got hole...wad?! i oso dunno...no pRoof say is us...got baNding loR...anywae i dun beLieve anyone in class s0 b0 liao lo...siaox...went toilet den bookshop buy things...Yun see her R ply bball,i see my W...haha...W jus a crush ba...too look alike le...but i cannot use him 2 get over him*....its unfaiR....tiRed...took bus hm...chatted wif Dickson on e bus...haha....sians...tml got st joHn cranival...alex n i morning shiFt...need 2 reach HQ at 9...so early...haiish...

Xiiang Niis*
a lot a lot
Stupidity Kills. 11:05 AM

Friday, July 1, 2005
sianx...blog a while...havent blogged 4 daes...since sch reopened...we dun tok much le n nv tok at aLL...i ratheR we are still freNs...i ratheR he didNt noE i likeD him...haiish...how i reGret falling 4 him...I think i have a cRush on tt sumone wHo looks reaLLi like him...haha...diaOx...he is so man n cool! =]
okies...gtg le...is st joHn n NCC dae tml... goT 2 reaCh sch eaRly...

Learning 2 Live Without U*
Stupidity Kills. 2:54 PM