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This is me:)

+25/04/90, 23/04/05
+Child of God:)
+Ex-NewTowner, YishunITE, ITE College East(Simei)
+Student Nurse:)
+Nurse Educator in the making(:

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Mr Mark Singh*

ENs in-the-making(x


Blogskin ;babylovee-
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Went 4 cell iN thE afterNoon...maDe easteR eGGs....As a giFt 2 God tis Easter....Had a Gd n fuN worship...saNg 'My redeemer liVes' N '4 all u have done'...had fuN jumpiNg n worshiping the loRd...Guessed Jayne ,mi n chRistina getting baptiZed next mth...realli exciteD...cannot wait....The sermon 2dae was abt The resscusion of Jesus....saw a video cLip on the passion of chRist...hw God died on the cRoss 2 ouR siNs...It was jus so touching...I jus cRied....It was realli bloodY too...The Lord toLd mi I had siNNed bY likiNg a Non-Christian...buT i cannot controL my feelings...I realli cRaZy abt Him....I would tRy 2 bRing Him 2 chRist...But i dunno hw....Haix...Dad scoLded mi agaiN jus nw...nvm..used 2 it...tmL got posT E....Miss Him a lot...will see Him soon....

[Xiiang Nii]
[HopiNg 2 see Ya sooN]
Stupidity Kills. 2:21 PM

Saturday, March 26, 2005
2daE is Gd Friday N HuiLing's bdaE...HappI biRthdae! =p...deN no sch...slept uNtiL a little lateR....deN weNt 2 Tiong 2 mit Val,Jos n Alex...bringing tHEm 4 the muSical...'Starlight'....It waS great n niCe....got xTra tix...alex asked Yuanxing if he needs...but he had gone 4 the 1pm show le...Gd fridae is the dae when Jesus died 4 ouR siNs...I hope Alex's christian knowledge will gRow frm tis show....knowing he muz nt siN n change his waes...he had changed frm another person 2 another...it's scaRy.... i had tried talking 2 him but to no avail...pRay loRs...things will change sooN....I had finally got oveR HIM...He is nw my histoRy...a classmatE N my bRo in chRist.... :] Nw got cRush on suM1 agaIn...likeD Him agaIn...lols.....tmL going chuRch...Yeahx!

Stupidity Kills. 2:58 PM

Thursday, March 24, 2005
siaNz...go to scH...Had histoRy test,opeN book de...stiLL sad N miserabLe...sob...got highest in class in eNg compo...the class cheered..but i bLur blur de...I poN rifle 2dae...haiz....went 2 eat wif vaL they aLL at Holland...sit same buS as Him..dropped same stop too...hahaz....den went 2 tioNg 2 get Huiling de bdae pResent....aLex msg if He wan 2 cuM 2 tioNg...but He no repLy...Baddie....really...siaN tmL got PE...hope is not ruNNing....

[LoviN U everY momeNt 0f my Lifex]
Stupidity Kills. 1:36 PM

Sunday, March 20, 2005
2dae is Ah gong n ahma de biG dae...i did ushering....I am the vEri 1st person 2 greet the ppl...2dae jus 1st tym doing ushering...deN HongJun they all came...Darren saw mi n told HJ..aDeLiNe lehs....den we laughed...witNess a great wedding...hope God will bless tis wedding n tis couple in tym 2 cum...deN Sam , mi,Liz n amanda went downstairs...bought flowers 2 Darren nHJ but they dun wan...hahax...i keNa laughed bY YX N HJ cos of my blouse...Hj lars..started it...my blouse got 'PRINCESS' tis woRd ma...hahas....den take fotos...den took caB back 2 chuRch....woRship n svC...no chance 2 retuRn bible 2 kenny...didnt saw him...if i knew i pass 2 HJ they all,call them help mi pass to him...mondae den retuRn him...weNt home 4 diNNer den stuDy...going 2 the 1st Pose encounter lesson tml....May God bless mi,ange,jayne n christina 4 tml....n Sam n Liz 4 SOL one....

Stupidity Kills. 3:44 PM

Friday, March 18, 2005
siaNx...bought a piNk shoe 2dae 2 go wif my outfiT 4 Serene's wedding...moodY nwadaes...all bcoS of HIM! It realli huRts i seeing both of theM 2gether...I nv expeCted thE feeling 2 bE baCk....I am tryiNg haRd 2 aCCept thE faCt they aRe together....N all thoSe muShY testimoNials on fRensteR....maYb i shouldnt looK at theM at aLL...Haix...nvm...duN wish 2 bE a thiRd paRty n bReak theM up oSo....a peRson upset better den three ppl upset rite? Haix...tmL got rifle tRaining...den going 2 thE chuRch 2 deCo it 4 serene's wedding tis saT....

Stupidity Kills. 2:25 PM

Thursday, March 17, 2005
SiaNx...weNt 2 cuT haiR iN the moRning....a little shoRter...den go shop shop wif jie in the afternooN...shopped 4 clothes 4 Serene's weddiNg....Hope it wiLL be a gReat oNe...deN weNt 2 miT my sis's BF....saw an old class matE there...at west coast 7-11...like 3 yRs nV see him le...He jus looked at mi n weNt off....oh,He had grown so taLL....den went 2 cine 2 shop...put haiR extendatioN there...cheap lehs....$10 4 two colouRs....i put puRple n bRown....Jie sae i so daring...puT the colour so obvious....she caN try oso ma....tmL having tutioN...afteR tt going ouT agaiN...2 shop 4 my clotheS....cannot fiNd ma 2 dae...kk will stop heRe...[XiangNi]

Stupidity Kills. 3:28 PM

Wednesday, March 16, 2005
2dae iS Jie's bdae...maDe heR a caRd....Jus came baCk frm Serene's weddiNg rehearsaL...He wasnt there...Sad...I was haviNg diNNer when JunxiaNg called mi...dunno sae wad Eunice is upstaiRs...den wad dunno sae until Chen Si[Xiao Bai] den JX dunno sae wad dunno wad bai laRs...so meSSy...I think he was telling mi Eunice is upstairs...Da DaryL too oso talked 2 mi...deN I said okok...soRRi bRos...I didnt mean 2 bE so ruDe...den we went upstairs[mi,jayne,ange,clara n serene]...ange n i at the door...when we keNa ChriS jiAng...wan2 go in den go in,dun staNd here....oops...Chris n Eunice in charge of ushering...so ppl undeR them oso in charge of ushering....den we ended wif a pRayer 4 ouR Ah Ma...Serene....deN ange n i took tAxi home wif Estella n Xiao Bai...tiRed...*yawns*
Stupidity Kills. 3:34 PM

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
SiaNx...Holidae le....didnt go ouT 2dae...excepT went 2 visiT MiltoN....auNty RobiNa oso theRe.....tiS fRi got aiR RifLe traiNing....shoulD bE going....tmL goT SereNe's wedding rehearsaL....Eunice's gaLs[mi,Ange,Jayne N christina] doing ushering...wif Chris's guYs....hahax....oh ya...i realli muZ thank Kenny 4 lending mi his bible last fRi...den hai him no bible duRing seRvice....muZ realli thank him if i see him tml....gtg nw....

Stupidity Kills. 2:43 PM

Monday, March 14, 2005
Just came baCk fRm EncouNteR weekeNd...It was realli a gReat expernice...too bad Kenny N Alex didnt managed 2 get a spaCe...Nvm...wait 4 the nExt oNe...although it was a shoRt caMp...the Lord realli touched mi...I had also received the gift of tongues...thank God...Eunice was my guiDe...Ange,JayNe N cHristiNa was oso theRe...we 5 in a rm..so shiok...had the kitchen toilet 2 ourselves too...I oso buRnt awae all my siNs...surreNdered everythiNg 2 God...N i am 4given....I felt so gLad N free...jus like I had unshouldered a heavy buden down...anywae it was a great encounter wif God...planning 2 get baptiZed asap...I had been waiting 4 my tuRn 2 cuM...fiNally its heRe! tiRed...K wiLL stop heRe....
Stupidity Kills. 2:54 PM

Sunday, March 13, 2005
Wake up so eaRly 2 get ready 2 meet Eunice lateR N go 4 encouNteR...fiNally! thE daE had cuM...I had been waiting siNce lasT Nov....Yeahx! But veRy tiRed...was ouT tiLL latE lasT nitE....keNa dad scoLded...nvM....haix....I am giviNg up on Him nw...although I still luV Him....BGR...neXt tym deN sae bA...Nw stiLL veRy early...k...will Stop heRe....I will bE baCk oN suNdae...:p
Stupidity Kills. 1:17 AM

Wednesday, March 9, 2005
SiaNx...stiLL veRy tiRed....2daE was I witneSsed Him N his rumoRed GF taLkinG...Needless 2 saE,I was upseT...they tok until so happy...*Sob Sob* I havent realli 4gotten Him...I still need tYm...MuShrm is gettiNg fRm bad 2 woRse...He gets into fightS with his classmates cos of littLe things....HorribLe....Does he noe hiS attitude is veRy wrong? Nvm i am jus concerned cos He is my classmate N bRo....kk wiLL st0p heRe.....

[WoZhenDeZhenDeHengAiNi] [WoBuNengMeiYouNi]
Stupidity Kills. 10:23 AM

Monday, March 7, 2005
Few daes nv blog le...cos cum back late cos of sancfaction...den went 4 camp on fRi....2dae cum back le..sec ones' recuitment camp...I was an NCO...it was quitE fuN....but tiring too....asked 4 premission 2 go out on sat...went 4 tubunacle n svc....I had quite a gd tym wif God in there...den went back...it was held at Queenswae sec...on the 1st dae,gueSS wh0 i saw? nt very suRe but i thiNk hE Is Wee Chun...wearing a jestRy no 4 ma...oso saw Zenji...my pRi ssch matEs...zenji was laughing away when he saw mi...hahas....I was NCO of gp Chalie....wif another NCO,Caifeng, frm ZhongZheng...we NCOs all one buNk... so song...so spacy...but nv slp well...the floor too hard den mux wake up so early...had campfiRe the 1st nite...I came back dunring the campfire...oops...missed mani things...we oso love 2 'bomb' gp Hotel81 n Echo...hahas....'bomb' here n 'bomb' there...osos nv expected Sir Anson 2 bE there...hahas[oops!] The physical training really suX...the 2nd morning.everyone woke up le...only NCOs still slping..we supposed 2 fall in at 06 30am...we only woke up at 06 15am...but heng...nt late...we chatted n ate late into last nite ma...had telematch the last dae...den nv expected Alfra will get best gp...NCOs expected delta or hotel 2 get...but nv...den we took pic 4 remberance...got file as suvinior too...we NCOs n officers damn funni lors...got all kinds of poSes...hahas....den dismiss lor...quite a fuN camP....den i went home den met Eunice N ange 4 pRe encouNter session....Ange n mi going 4 encounter neXt sat ma...so tiRed...*YAWNS* Going to slp nw....den tml wont be so tired...
Stupidity Kills. 9:39 AM

Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Had a great tym ytd...celebRated Yun's bdae at clementi paRtywoRld KTV...saNg till 7pm...MaiNe,mi,kenny,sukardi,Enesto,Darren,Hongjun,FebiaN,J0ey,YuanXing and YongteCk waS theRe...maNi ppL oh...H0pe my comiNg bdae wiLL oso be lotsa fuN....Got tutioN iN the afteRnoon. deN lateR weNt 2 chuRch 4 Sanctificati0n weeK...It is 2 renEw the miNd 2 bE chRist-like...It is realli tym 2 renew my miNd...I was upSet....deN God taLked 2 mi...telliNg mi 2 4get Him...as it is realli nt tym nw 2 thiNk abt tis...Eunice pRayed 4 mi n I said a prayer myself too...promising God i will 4get Him....Tis sessiOn was realli meaningfuL...too bad ange,chRistinA N jayne nt theRe...Had a huG frm Eunice...Felt realli betteR....I had decided 2 committed 2 God frm nw on...will contiue next tym....
Stupidity Kills. 3:07 PM