Friday, December 31, 2004
2daE my scH goT CCA opeN hSe.....We maNaged 2 geT ppL 2 joiN St JohN...It waS more deN we expecteD....So happi....But it was suRe tiRiNg like sia0.....We waLked up N dowN the st johN rooM , takE thingS out 2 diSpLay 4 ouR bootH....we weRe iN fuLL U...daMn Hot.....N sweatY....AfteR LuNch , tHe sec1s walkeD arouNd themseLveS....wheN a whiLe lateR it RaiNed wifout waRnIng...we all keNa weT...DeN we huRRily get ouR thiNgs iNto the sheLteR....All the things were wet....deN tat AngeLa likE kePt oN scoLdiNg ppL....I had aLways hateD heR....diSlikE heR.....She sumtyMs scolD ppL nO reasOn de....Haix...I duN bLame heR....tmL iS New yR de evE le...angeL,saM,JayNe N euNice they aLL going gD...I nt aLLowed 2 go at aLL....sO saD....atteNd the BBQ oNly loRx.....okiEs st0p heRe...Happi New yR eveRyoNe !
Thursday, December 30, 2004
2dae weNt out wiF my SiS 2 buy my statioNeRiEs 4 scH....NexT moNdaE opeN sch le....So faSt....eRm tat meaNs 5 moRe daEs lo....Sch ReopeN le deN caNNot watch MVP QiNg ReN le....So saD.....Sob Sob.....NvM.....iN thE moRNiNg at 11 mA....Haix....I a biT RegRet y I DidNt appeaL to aNotheR cLass....SiNce I caNNot maKe the deciSioN, I juS foLLow God...tAt He giveN mi tiS cLass...He muZ haVe hiS ReasoNs....I actuaLLy pRayed 2 leT mi iN thE saMe cLass as Bao Bao.....DeN yeS! Hahaz....oKaE stoP heRe.....
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
TodaE so siaN...actuaLLy wanted 2 go my cousiN's hSe N pLay wif theM...But didNt....I bRokE my pRomiSe....oopS...MaKe it uP 2 them neXt time....6 moRe daEs deN sCh ReopeNs le....Next yR my cLass got quitE a fEw chuRch ppL iN it....duNNo if it is a gD thiNg....I duNNo....Next yR saMe cLass wiF Him....I dunnO wiLL bE awKwaRd oR Nt....I betA 4gEt aBt loViN Him...It iS impoSSibLe beTweeN Him N me......fRm nw onwaRds,I shouLd tReat Him as a cLassmaTe n a bRo iN chRist...No moRe deN tAt.....Haiz....LuV caNNot bE foRced....
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Tis iS my 1st eNtry!Tis morning jus went 2 sch 4 a short while 4 St John...den went 2 PS 2 meet Eunice 4 a while b4 she goes to KL...Alex dragged along wif mi...We went 2 buy Britney's N TaufiK CD....waiting 4 Sly's album 2 be released too....Den i met Eunice at KFC...when walking there,i saw a guy hu looked familar...guessed he was a Newtowner....Yeah I was Rite....When I saw Eunice went to talk 2 Chris...She iNtroduced Chris to mi n Alex...He asked Alex 4 his coNtact...1st reactioN was 'Was He going to tell Alex to joiN his ceLL?"When Chris shaked my hand,I asked "U uR Chris riTe?" He like so shocked I know him...Hahax...K stOp heRe......